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Übersetzungen für stick with im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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stick with VERB trans

1. stick with (not give up):

3. stick with (stay near):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Experienced dealers say the program provided them needed funds, boosted their confidence, and taught them to stick with a project despite adversity.
But, ultimately, we decided to stick with the message.
The early things stick with you, she later remembered.
She had so many interests, she never quite managed to settle down and really stick with any of them - art, journalism, photography, or her diving.
I try to stick with that form every time.
In today's workplace, choosing a career doesn't necessarily mean you have to stick with that line of work for your entire life.
Later the priming powder was ignited by a piece of slow match held in a linstock (a stick with a clamp at one end).
Normally it consists of a hollowed bread stick with a filling of chocolate.
We hope you'll stick with us and visit often!
A stick with the handle aligned to the centre of the head length was no longer practical for playing hockey.

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