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Übersetzungen für tent peg im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für tent peg

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She then drove a tent peg through his temples which nailed him to the ground, and then he died.
No tent pegs to trip over in the dark.
Then she pounded a tent peg through his head.
Then you can make it your own and put your tent pegs in the ground and announce that you are standing by those same words.
While smaller tents may be free-standing or attached to the ground, large tents are usually anchored using guy ropes tied to stakes or tent pegs.
With no technical equipment to use as anchors he was forced to entrust his weight to tent pegs or, on one occasion, a plastic bottle.
Tent pegs are preferably pushed into the ground by hand.
Wooden tent pegs are now not common, with higher strength to weight ratio, and high durability, materials being used instead.
She had been battered to death with a metal tent peg on the patio of her foster family's home.
Around them lie the silent husks of war: a submarine, a warplane, tracked transports, tent pegs, ships and shells some still waiting to explode.

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