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Übersetzungen für tent peg im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für tent peg

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She gives him milk to make him sleep, then famously hammers a tent peg into his head.
Simply fit one end of the loop around your tent peg and feed your guy rope through.
Then you can make it your own and put your tent pegs in the ground and announce that you are standing by those same words.
She then drove a tent peg through his temples which nailed him to the ground, and then he died.
Pulling up the tent pegs now doesn't make much sense, however.
Glow sticks and bracelets can be wrapped around tent pegs, fallen branches or other objects that you might want to highlight in the dark.
Then she pounded a tent peg through his head.
Smaller wire tent pegs are also available, especially where weight is critical.
She had been battered to death with a metal tent peg on the patio of her foster family's home.
This type of tent peg relies on the broadness of the section to not turn under tension.

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