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Übersetzungen für tip-off im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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tip-off SUBST ugs

tip off VERB trans ugs

tip off person:

Beispielsätze für tip-off

to give the police a tip-off

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A police officer received a tip-off about the man and a team soon rushed to the spot.
That's a tip-off to the seriousness of the place, which also has an offbeat charm.
He said the raid was conducted following a tip-off.
My phone ear is still ringing from the shellacking he was giving me only yesterday over a tip-off we'd had.
Officers sealed off an area adjacent to a petrol station after a tip-off.
On the basis of a tip-off, the squad busted the racket, which was running under the guise of a beauty parlour.
Police shut him down, and then received a tip-off relating to this week's arrest.
The archaeologists also found 17 human skeletons at the site of the wreck, following a tip-off from local divers.
Another tip-off that a company might be shady: no land line.
Evidential standards were very low: a tip-off by an anonymous informer was considered sufficient grounds for arrest.

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