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Übersetzungen für truth im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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truth [tru:θ] SUBST

prawda f
a grain of truth

half truth SUBST

half truth

home truth SUBST

home truth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The reason for this escape is his longing for solid values such as truth and pure love that he could not find in the big world with its noncommittal flirtation.
It follows immediately that both compactness and the strong completeness theorem fail for truth-value semantics.
On the other hand, if you are a female reader, it equates to the exhilaration of hearing your guy tell you the truth at last.
So fraud means a false representation made (a) knowingly, (b) without belief in its truth, or (c) recklessly.
It is therefore said to be possibility disclosing rather than truth-preserving or truth-tracking.
As a result of this, she desperately seeks the truth about the unexplained events happening in her city, and meddles with forces best left untouched.
A second version, attempting to improve on its truth to nature, was exhibited four years later.
Now comes the moment of truth.
Like a good door-to-door salesman, there was a kernel of truth to his pitch, but he amplified and embellished the facts to sell his product.
The monotonicity property ensures that the degree of truth of conjunction does not decrease if the truth values of conjuncts increase.

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