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Übersetzungen für utility company im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Conductors of a service drop or lateral are owned and maintained by the utility company.
By 2008, utility company like mobile telephone companies and retailers started providing information to the bureau.
Rolling blackouts are a last-resort measure used by an electric utility company to avoid a total blackout of the power system.
However, within the second and third taxing districts the taxing districts act as the local electric power utility company.
Connection of the photovoltaic power system can be done only through an interconnection agreement between the consumer and the utility company.
The tribe closed the hospital, sold its utility company, and contracted those services to neighboring counties.
This requires getting approval from the local utility company.
His father was the head of a utility company.
Typically, they do not need any more information than that of an energy broker, because they can pull usage information from the local utility company.
A private utility company owns the seventh parcel.

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