Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für utilize im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

utilize, utilise Brit [ˈju:tɪlaɪz, Am -t̬əl-] VERB trans form

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These service areas were formed in 2005 as a result of a restructuring to utilize volunteer resources better.
In its production the services of some 122 local manufacturers have been utilized and about 810 parts have been produced.
These variants were apparently originally used as secret codes and were not widely utilized.
Capital is said to be formed when savings are utilized for investment purposes, often investment in production.
Main frame computers had to be utilized to perform the topological searches even on small designs.
While books are not required to fit this description, competitors who utilize a different style of book are often ranked down for it.
As demonstrated by the definition above, notice how the synchronized line is utilized.
Formerly both school and church utilized the building; however, the church is now using its own building.
More than 250 passenger trains and 150 goods trains utilize the station daily, with each train stopping for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
This style utilizes classical details and geometric, symmetrical forms.

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