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Übersetzungen für wear down im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für wear down

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The design claims to move more smoothly and quietly in sharp turns and switches and wear down the tram wheels less.
The bit is interchangeable as bits wear down.
With just under a week left in the game, the harsh conditions continue to wear down the remaining players.
These attacks all failed, but continued to wear down the city's defenders.
In the second phase, superior numbers and morale were applied to wear down the enemy in a war of attrition in which guerrilla operations predominated.
In fact, these tactics had better results than had the military campaign, and the resistance began gradually to wear down.
As offensive units are tackled, they wear down, finally issuing smoke and then flames after a number of hits.
The soft ground cleats are always replaceable, and are almost always metal, so when they wear down they are easy to replace.
The hydrothecae wear down during the individual hydroids' life, and old ones often have just the collar-like bottom of the hydrotheca remaining.
They could wear down the regular troops and hinder their maneuvers, defeating any group that strayed from the main enemy army.

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