Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für wear down im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Burnishing is the process of cycling the coupling to wear down those initial peaks, so that there is more surface contact between the mating faces.
They could wear down the regular troops and hinder their maneuvers, defeating any group that strayed from the main enemy army.
With just under a week left in the game, the harsh conditions continue to wear down the remaining players.
At first, the unfused spinal segments compensate for the straightening effects, but eventually the discs degenerate and wear down.
The soft ground cleats are always replaceable, and are almost always metal, so when they wear down they are easy to replace.
Psychological warfare can involve creating annoyances to distract and wear down the resistance of the target.
As offensive units are tackled, they wear down, finally issuing smoke and then flames after a number of hits.
As the brush and commutator wear down, the spring steadily pushes the brush downwards towards the commutator.
The design claims to move more smoothly and quietly in sharp turns and switches and wear down the tram wheels less.
When anterior molars wear down, they are shed.

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