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Übersetzungen für amusement im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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amusement [əˈmjuːzmənt] SUBST

1. amusement kein Pl (entertainment):


2. amusement (sth entertaining):


amusement arcade SUBST Brit

amusement park SUBST esp Am

amusement park

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The boulevard contains an amusement park, yacht club and musical fountain, and various statues and monuments.
An unexpected encounter with a huge llama provided some amusement - particularly when he took a shine to my sister, gaily trotting after her.
The amusement park also has a beach and a waterpark which can be enjoyed by guests for no extra charge.
Up until the establishment of this park, amusement areas around the country consisted of pay-as-you-go concessions.
The collage of gyrating bodies is never so overwhelming that you can't find amusement in it, though.
A local government official is shown who wants to change it into an amusement park.
The animal doctor has even received a call to tend to a butterfly, he said with amusement, admitting that it fell outside his realms of expertise.
It features a colorful and over-the-top visual style, including such settings as an amusement park.
The area is slated to be demolished within a year to make way for a resort and amusement park.
The town also features miniature golf courses and small amusement centers with go-karts and bumper cars for family entertainment.

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