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Übersetzungen für border on im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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border on VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The blankets usually have a red border on the upper and lateral edges.
The butterfly is white with pale blue suffusion, and, also a dark border on the forewing.
Their rivalry often seems to border on stalking each other and occasionally descends into violence.
To the north, east and south, regions of sandstone border on the forest.
A dark border on the hind wing margin is lacking on most individuals.
The underside is yellowish orange, lacking any markings except a narrow dark border on the forewing.
Thus, borders on 403, 204 and 807 were replaced with the single border on 867.
Also, he is an exceptionally charismatic personality, possessing powers of persuasion which border on superhuman, especially when addressing large groups of people.
He criticized the electronic elements as they frequently border on amateur, but also said it gave the album some twang from other metalcore bands.
The winning design, which features a white cross with a red border on a golden background, attracted 54% of the vote.

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