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Übersetzungen für bounce back im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Acoustic waves encountering material with a radically different speed of sound do not penetrate, but bounce back.
However, he managed to bounce back at age 30, going on to start again in the following three.
Ions would bounce back and forth in a line, collide in the center and fuse.
I learned you can bounce back from misfortune and view it as just something adverse that happened to you.
The team are looking to bounce back from relegation and win automatic promotion.
The club lasted just one season before again dropping down a level, only to bounce back at the first attempt.
He allows little to faze or depress him, and is quick to bounce back from any setbacks.
Unusually there was to be no immediate bounce back as they could only muster a 7th place finish.
Through the course of falling they try to overcome their problems and eventually bounce back up.
Chu, being an extraordinary housewife decides to bounce back and gets ready to strive against the villainy in order to save her husband.

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