Englisch » Portugiesisch

I . bound1 [baʊnd] VERB intr (leap)


II . bound1 [baʊnd] SUBST

bound2 ADJ

to be bound for ...
rumar para ...

I . bound3 VERB

bound pt, pp of:

II . bound3 ADJ

2. bound (obliged):

bound by sth
to be bound to do sth

Siehe auch: bind

I . bind [baɪnd] SUBST kein Pl ugs

II . bind <bound, bound> [baɪnd] VERB trans

2. bind book:

III . bind <bound, bound> [baɪnd] VERB intr

I . bind [baɪnd] SUBST kein Pl ugs

II . bind <bound, bound> [baɪnd] VERB trans

2. bind book:

III . bind <bound, bound> [baɪnd] VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In such (copyright) cases, prevailing defendants seeking recompense were bound to show that the original suit was frivolous or made in bad faith.
Furthermore, they were also bound to various statute labours and performances.
The idea of residual topological isomerism introduces a handy scheme of modifying the molecular graphs and generalizes former efforts of systemization of mechanically bound and bridged molecules.
To be bound by the covenant, the successor must hold the entire estate in land held by the original party (strict vertical privity of estate).
In a creative sense, the bifocal reward is that you are bound by neither.
It is an octahedral transition metal complex in which three bidentate oxalate ions are bound to an iron center.
Grieving relatives are duty-bound to target the culprit and the culprit's family.
Rule 16 also allows the presumptive presidential candidate to disavow or veto any bound or allocated delegate for any reason whatsoever.
When you challenge the muscles on a regular basis, you create a better, firmer, more attractive body, without becoming muscle-bound.
Originally a bound book that resembled a telephone directory, it contains the name and addressees of licensed radio stations in a given jurisdiction (country).

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