Englisch » Portugiesisch

Übersetzungen für buying im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

I . buy [baɪ] SUBST

II . buy <bought, bought> [baɪ] VERB trans

2. buy ugs (believe):


Beispielsätze für buying

we're $5 shy of buying it

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Second, probabilistic insurance represents many forms of protective action, such as having a medical checkup, buying new tires, or installing a burglar alarm system.
As an aside, the author suggests buying a mincer and grinding up your own meat rather than buying it ready-prepared.
They regretted buying the cramped 23-footer with an uncomfortable foldout bed.
Music is the one thing in show-business with which you can't fool somebody into buying something.
He was especially against the buying of titles and noble land by the upper bourgeoisie.
In recent years, more frugal or eco-friendly brides have started a new trend by buying preowned wedding dresses.
But the city did have an operating budget, which the architects used in a plan based on renting, rather than buying, the pavilion's parts.
Private banks are increasingly moving towards universal banking, buying companies in all segments of the financial industry.
The series of filters, purchasing steps, and stakeholders involved are designed to reduce the risks associated with making the wrong buying decision.
The first is the buying of all outstanding shares of a publicly traded company by a single entity, making the company privately owned.

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