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Übersetzungen für compliment im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . compliment [ˈkɑːmpləmənt, Brit ˈkɒmplɪ-] SUBST

1. compliment:

compliment (expression of approval)
elogio m
compliment (flirt)
to pay sb a compliment

II . compliment [ˈkɑːmpləmənt, Brit ˈkɒmplɪ-] VERB trans

to compliment sb on sth

Beispielsätze für compliment

to pay sb a compliment
to compliment sb on sth
I'll take that remark as a compliment

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She returned the compliment more accurately than her adversaries, as her antiaircraft battery splashed two of the offending bombers.
If he pays me a compliment, then fine, how nice.
To compliment her new colour, she was given a 1950s-era beige palette for a glamourous but not overdone look.
In historical contrast, the word prude was originally a noble compliment.
Of course, the surface of the mouse pad is sleek and solid, providing a wide range of motion for the hand and a clean, crisp sound to compliment mouse movement.
They work well together as a couple because they compliment one another's neurosis.
It is never a compliment when politicians plagiarise ideas or comments from journalists without acknowledging their work.
Furthermore, bold headbands were often worn to compliment women's customarily shorter hair lengths.
These approaches compliment the first wave, awareness-raising tools by giving governments facing public outcry a checklist which measures concrete steps toward improved governance.
The biggest challenge has been just trying to rethink some of the music and see how we could compliment it with lights and video.

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