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Übersetzungen für compliment im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . compliment [ˈkɒmplɪmənt, Am ˈkɑ:mplə-] SUBST

II . compliment [ˈkɒmplɪmənt, Am ˈkɑ:mplə-] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Of course, the surface of the mouse pad is sleek and solid, providing a wide range of motion for the hand and a clean, crisp sound to compliment mouse movement.
Furthermore, bold headbands were often worn to compliment women's customarily shorter hair lengths.
He also believes the term yuppie to be a compliment, and unintentionally causes considerable offence when he calls a person a yuppie to their face.
This obsequious compliment is scarcely to be taken seriously.
Mike detests his act but is required to laugh uproariously and compliment it on air every week.
Ward said the approach many leagues are taking is to slice up their offerings for specific providers and specific platforms, ideally to compliment each other.
In historical contrast, the word prude was originally a noble compliment.
They work well together as a couple because they compliment one another's neurosis.
It might sound like a curiously mealy-mouthed compliment.
The term, which is used in a pejorative or ironic sense, can also be used as a backhanded compliment to someone's perseverance, cleverness, or thrift.

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