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Übersetzungen für cyberworld im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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cyberworld [ˈsaɪbərwɜːrld, Brit ˈsaɪbəwɜːld] SUBST kein Pl ugs comput

cyberworld (the Internet)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Social media has dug its claws deep into the evolving cyberworld, and it is indeed an unforgivable crime to not take advantage of its great power and influence.
What if the cyberworld of video games entered the frame of 19th century western landscape painting?
But today's teenagers seem happier to live in the cyberworld on their computers or go out partying than to get their hands wet and learn to sail.
Rush has the ability to travel between the real world and the cyberworld with advanced holographic technology.
Reports of the incident echoed throughout cyberworld.
My aging i-phone is my only contact with cyberworld.
It's important to be able to disengage from the cyberworld and truly connect and enjoy the living world around you.
It just carries on, the bullies move into the cyberworld as well.
It seems the focus of bullying has turned to the cyberworld.
The shadowrunner who entered it is replaced by a persona, the character's reflection in the cyberworld, which navigates the network.

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