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Übersetzungen für earns im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

earn [ɜːrn, Brit ɜːn] VERB trans

1. earn (be paid):

2. earn (bring in):

3. earn (obtain):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Non-parochial priests may earn their living by any vocation, although employment by educational institutions or charitable organisations is most common.
Elsewhere, some releases in 2015 were criticised for cutting and pasting popular mechanics and genres to earn a quick buck.
Receiving a wage from the army meant that they could earn a decent living as a camp follower.
These companies are storied financial institutions, earn steady profits, and crank out reliable dividends.
Subscribers on the mailing list can earn points or gift certificates for making web referrals that turn into sales transactions.
In any event, veteran officials can earn substantial salaries for their work.
They used an old pickup truck to earn extra spending money in high school.
You can be certain the financial industry is generating copious fee revenue from this money while exerting little or no effort to earn it.
Teachers taking sabbatical leave receive 2/3rd of salary and earn sick days.
They place the money on deposit to earn interest, using the money market.

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