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Übersetzungen für evident im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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evident [ˈevɪdənt] ADJ

it is evident that ...
é evidente que ...

self-evident ADJ

Beispielsätze für evident

it is evident that ...
é evidente que ...

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As the season progressed some critics remarked on the wear and tear that was becoming evident in her voice, but praised her artistry and experience.
The spirit of scarcity is evident in their own standard of life.
Thus, it is evident that a white horse is not a horse.
Some remains of these activities are still evident.
Her pious education was later very evident in her speeches.
Both were still evident in 1938, but by 1966 the basin had been reduced to a tiny stub.
This is evident in a variety of areas including intelligence, performance on tasks or tests, and the possession of desirable characteristics or personality traits.
This may be made evident in highly oxidative tissues like skeletal muscle and heart tissue.
Allowing construction by new tools would be like adding new axioms, but axioms are supposed to be simple and self-evident, but such tools are not.
Potter's artistic uncertainty is evident in her attempt to establish a relationship between clothes and the social and animal selves of humans and animals.

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