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Übersetzungen für farm out im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für farm out

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She continued working on her business (remotely, with a new, no-email-on-weekends rule) and slowly started making a farm out of her new plot of land.
They don't farm out their famous franchises to just anyone.
He and his father created a farm out of the wilderness area.
And increasingly we farm out more aspects of our lives into this unknown space that so few of us have a grasp on.
By using a distributed workforce, consisting of people around the country working from home, organizations can farm out their data entry.
Retailers can be unwittingly involved with problematic factories when their main suppliers farm out work to others to ensure orders are filled on time.
It was decided to cease steel production and farm out that part of operations.
He took the woman who owned the farm out in the yacht with her children, telling her he was allowed to sail it.
I grew up on a farm out in the middle of a cornfield.
He could sell the farm out from under you and it happened.

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