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Übersetzungen für intolerant im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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intolerant [ɪnˈtɑːlərənt, Brit -ˈtɒl-] ADJ

to be intolerant of sb/sth

Beispielsätze für intolerant

to be intolerant of sb/sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Like him, she was controlling and intolerant of failure.
The greatest thing he is intolerant of is starvation.
He wears thick glasses (he is self-conscious about being a nerd) and is lactose intolerant.
This species is territorial, aggressive and intolerant when nesting, and will attack other species, including birds of prey.
Yet he was intolerant of a blind aping of the west in the name of progress.
Most commonly cultivated coffee species grow best at high elevations, but are nevertheless intolerant of freezing temperatures.
An example would be that moose are heat intolerant and have extremely decreased population its southernmost distribution in response to increased temperatures.
Under laboratory conditions, the rats remain in family groups of mated pairs, but are intolerant of any strangers, often attacking them.
This ladyslipper is most intolerant of shade, and so management of remnant prairies needs to be a part of any species recovery strategies.
Its year-growth (but not the rest of the tree) is sensitive to late spring and early autumn frosts, and is intolerant of lime.

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