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Übersetzungen für intoxicate im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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intoxicate [ɪnˈtɑːksɪkeɪt, Brit -ˈtɒk-] VERB trans

intoxicate alcohol

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although many of the characters in the painting are holding wine glasses, none appear to be intoxicated, but are healthily enjoying the feast.
After getting sufficiently intoxicated, he then indulges in carnal desire by forcefully taking away any of the unmarried village girls for a night of merriment.
On the following night, the boatmen were heavily intoxicated of wine and fell asleep.
She is still intoxicated with power, however, and unwilling to hand it over to her son.
The opening episode, for example, shows that intoxicated people can sometimes seem entirely sober and then, suddenly, the effects of alcohol show through.
She caused him to be abducted after he had been intoxicated with potent concoctions and had him conveyed to her realm in the netherworld.
The nectar contains not only sugars, but also the alkaloid coniine (a toxin also found in hemlock), which probably intoxicates the prey.
They are typically intoxicated males in their teens and early twenties.
A witness reported that rioters at the scene were intoxicated with alcohol and threw beer bottles.
It is often unused by children and is commonly occupied by drug addicts and intoxicated people during the daytime.

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