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Übersetzungen für marvellous im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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marvellous [ˈmɑːrvələs, Brit ˈmɑːv-] ADJ Brit, marvelous ADJ Am

to feel marvellous

Beispielsätze für marvellous

to feel marvellous

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Their carousel style of play was amazing to watch and marvellous for the game.
The world seems divided between two opposing realities, between the misery of everyday life and another strange and marvellous world.
He had a marvellous eye for what was unnecessary and great attention to detail.
A fascinating mix of marvellous happenings, proverbial wisdom and sage precepts, these popular tales are designed to entertain as well as instruct.
Cricket will continue to be diluted to a tasteless brew which will intoxicate many, but will be effectively a death-blow for the cognoscenti of this marvellous game.
To the public she is known as appreciated and popular teacher who prepared many marvellous interpreters during her life.
But we can both salivate with envy at all the marvellous flavours of superpowers we could have, if they were real.
A marvellous achievement that earned the respect of even their most consistent critics.
A marvellous mathematical trick is the normal form (mathematics) transformation.
You would think nowadays with all the marvellous technology, fibre optic cables and all that hoo-ha we could have a thunderstorm without having a power cut!

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