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Übersetzungen für marvellous im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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marvellous [ˈmɑ:vələs, Am ˈmɑ:r-] Brit, marvelous ADJ Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A fascinating mix of marvellous happenings, proverbial wisdom and sage precepts, these popular tales are designed to entertain as well as instruct.
I think they're a marvellous medium, and are to the stage what engravings are to painting.
It is light, breezy and atmospheric, a surprise is set loose with every track and even the title is marvellous.
The marvellous nature of these hounds will not be believed by ignorant people.
Furthermore, the lack of transition in between perspectives grants authenticity to the marvellous.
Notwithstanding much marvellous deadpan humour, this is one of their darkest efforts.
He felt that a marvellous adventure had been wasted on a fool.
But the team reacted and at least concerning the results, but not revealing marvellous aspects, gave a good yielding.
Although this propellant is marvellous in many ways, it has a very low density, about one fourteenth that of water.
The opinions of all good judges were nearly the same with the above; but the public was led completely away by her marvellous powers.

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