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Übersetzungen für question im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . question [ˈkwestʃən] SUBST

1. question (inquiry):

a question about sth
to put a question to sb

2. question kein Pl (doubt):

to be beyond question
to call sth into question
without question

3. question (issue):

it's a question of life or death a. übtr
that's out of the question
to be a question of time

II . question [ˈkwestʃən] VERB trans

1. question (interrogate):

to question sb on [or about] sth

question mark SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A natural question is that if creditors are aware of the non-enforceability of contracts, why would they lend in the first place?
They said that there is no scientific foundation for the tenets of astrology and warned the public against accepting astrological advice without question.
The question is time, becoming as the bringing into play of the non-programmed, the im-probable, destiny as non-predestination.
The necessary readjustments should result from a proper re-analysis of the whole question, what would be a balanced fleet in 1945, 1950 or 1955?
They prattle off details and when asked a question, they are stumped.
There were very specific and serious breaches of basic governance principles concerning identifiable transactions that went far beyond any question of poor credit assessment.
For more serious or deliberate infractions, the goods in question may be seized or subject to forfeiture.
The test for legal advice privilege is to establish whether the communication in question was made confidentially for the purpose of legal advice construing such purposes broadly.
But after she made the customary three bows and knelt before him she found her mind utterly blank, the question gone.
The question is when will they make the full time switch.

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