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Übersetzungen für route im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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route [raʊt, Brit ruːt] SUBST

rota f
route (of bus)
route (of bus)
route NAUT
rumo m

en route [ˌɑːnˈruːt, Brit ˌɒnˈ-] ADV

en route

trade route SUBST

Beispielsätze für route

to ply a route

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Sortation systems help reduce the costs associated with receiving, order fulfillment (picking and packing), route delivery, palletizing, and shipping by increasing current throughput and order accuracy.
Moreover, at some point the ridge ends, so that the route must descend to ford a stream before rising again to follow the next ridge.
Another route, a trail leading to the platform on the side of the ski jump, is also available.
The stage had most of the route as undulating, with a mild climb.
Some commanders have a full detailed route card as well as the moon route card when doing night navigation.
Smaller realignments also took place in other cities along the route.
It dates to the 13th century, and was built to protect a medieval trade route.
The most popular route is the southwest face.
En route to the evening gown competition, the ship they boarded catches fire, and the passengers scramble to evacuate.
We'd continuously swop bikes along the route until we could all come to grips with the characteristics of the four new bikes.

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