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Übersetzungen für savour im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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savour SUBST VERB trans Brit

Siehe auch: savor

I . savor [ˈseɪvər, Brit -əʳ] SUBST Am

II . savor [ˈseɪvər, Brit -əʳ] VERB trans Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was an experience he savoured for the remainder of his life.
These poems, animated as they are by a spirit of bitter opposition to everything that savours of despotism, were an effective contribution to the political poetry of the day.
In the postures of some figures we feel an animal sentience, in the ripe anatomy of others we savour a fruity succulence.
Even though the country savours the honour of having a history in craftsmanship, it does not share a significant position in international wooden furniture market.
It is very sharply hot and has a pungent savour.
At each they recited verses, some of which savoured strongly of paganism, and the farmer was expected to donate food.
A book to be read and savoured.
On the night before she intends to so offer herself, she remains awake to savour her last few hours above ground.
She goes on to say that had a "masculine understanding" and contempt for anything that savoured of culture.
One of the best known is that he said that potential heretics savoured of the frying pan.

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