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Übersetzungen für screening im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

screening SUBST

1. screening (in cinema):


2. screening MED:

exame m

I . screen [skriːn] SUBST

1. screen:

screen a. TV, FILM, COMPUT
tela f

2. screen (framed panel):

biombo m

3. screen kein Pl (sth that conceals):

II . screen [skriːn] VERB trans

1. screen (conceal):

2. screen (shield):

4. screen:

screen TV
screen FILM

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are responsible for carrying out nearly one million screening tests each year for some 1,700 corporate customers, nationally.
In fact many neonatal screening programs include methionine as a metabolite.
Others may be asymptomatic and may be picked up on screening or urinalysis as having proteinuria.
After a thorough screening, the milk will be collected using a suction pump and then pooled and pasteurised before storing it in bottles.
Cervical screening saves around 5,000 lives a year.
Until recently, the only way to prevent cervical cancer was through regular cervical screening.
The act also required the screening of junk yards adjacent to regulated highways.
Carry-on luggage and persons screening are conducted at the individual departure gates, while check-in luggage are screened in the backrooms and secured before loading.
During the voting exercise, the poll officials detected that the accreditation of delegates was hastily done without proper screening and many delegates were given unstamped tags.
The short-term radon test kits used for screening purposes are inexpensive, in many cases free.

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