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Übersetzungen für shoulder strap im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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shoulder strap SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Individual units are identified by a shoulder tag attached to the left shoulder strap.
This instrument is designed to be played, with the aid of a shoulder strap, in an approximation of an electric guitar.
They each came with a microphone and carrying case with shoulder strap.
Shoulder tags are only worn on dress uniforms, on the left shoulder attached to the shoulder strap.
It consists of a cutting head at the end of a long shaft with a handle or handles and sometimes a shoulder strap.
General officers still wore their badges on the shoulder strap.
For majors, the shoulder strap contained an oak leaf, but like the second lieutenant, the epaulette had no grade insignia.
A crimson shoulder sash to be worn under the right shoulder strap of the tunic and across to the left hip.
Like a guitar, the orphica could be held on a shoulder strap, thus being an early forerunner of the modern keytar.
The insignia for "chnsa" consists of a bare shoulder strap or collar tab.

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