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Übersetzungen für sick leave im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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sick leave SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Plagued with health problems for years, he left the show on sick leave in 1969 due to a heart condition.
Professional employees also receive an additional payment of thirty-five dollars per day for each day of accumulated sick leave.
Employers are often unwilling to bear any financial costs that may come from employing a person with epilepsy, i.e. insurance costs, paid sick leave etc.
He had handed over his command, and was just going home on sick leave, when the mutiny of 1857 broke out.
Teachers receive a payment of $100.00 for each unused day of sick leave at retirement, death or severance.
The union's lawsuit said the officers reimbursed themselves financially for sick leave they never took.
Among the bills that passed were the 40-hour week, sick leave, vacation and bereavement leave and laws prohibiting age discrimination.
He sought to retire, but the emperor would not accept his resignation and instead gave him sick leave.
The organization agreed to offer employees five days of sick leave a year and post signs informing workers of their union-organizing rights.
Such did not indicate who he would support in a minority government before he was hospitalised and on two months sick leave.

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