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Übersetzungen für sister im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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sister [ˈsɪstər, Brit -əʳ] SUBST

1. sister a. REL:

irmã f

2. sister Brit, Aus (nurse):


half sister SUBST

half sister

sister-in-law <sisters-in-law [or sister-in-laws]> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This was followed by service in the surveying vessel from 194951 and her sister ship 1951-53.
The acrobat's sister, a former world champion hammer-thrower who loved to scare small children, has arranged their performance.
She is also always looking for new ways to annoy her sister.
She later embarked on a journey to find her long-lost sister, but suffered from amnesia along the way.
The brother raises a special breed of orchids and takes care of his wheelchair bound older sister.
She experiences a slow change in both her perception of the mountain people as savage and uncouth, and of her sister's sexuality as immoral.
His sister sends him a letter asking him to get her a love potion instead.
Poison's life is saved, but her will to live is gone after realizing that her quest to regain her sister has been for naught.
He was also survived by his granddaughter, stepmother, paternal grandmother, sister, stepsister, and three brothers.
This plan backfires, when the rowdy is more than happy to get them both married because more than anything, he cares about his sister's happiness.

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