Englisch » Portugiesisch

Übersetzungen für brother im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

brother [ˈbrʌðər, Brit -əʳ] SUBST

half brother SUBST

half brother

brother-in-law <brothers-in-law Brit: brother-in-laws> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She is described as an active participator in dynastic intrigue, and assisted in the marriage between her cousin and brother-in-law.
Bale plays a blue-collar worker out to save his brother.
It appears that she had been granted the manor, possibly by her brother out of his new inheritance, as her marriage settlement.
My grandmother - who brought me up - would buy my clothes from there, and the rest were hand-me-downs from my brother.
At age four, she suffered severe burns over more than 20 percent of her body when her brother accidentally set fire to her nightgown.
His younger brother is the third member of the trio.
My brother had three-story house, the house cast its shadow on the backyard where we sat in its shade, drinking lemonade, enjoying the fine weather.
Like his brother, he is believed to have died of bubonic plague in 1348.
His brother had told him that the claim to land was invalid.
Now, you've inherited the remaining resources of your father and your elder brother.

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