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Übersetzungen für younger im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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II . young [jʌŋ] SUBST pl

1. young (young people):

2. young (offspring):

Beispielsätze für younger

my younger brother

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While this pattern may signal workplace changes among younger cohorts, women do tend to fall behind men as their careers progress.
This stage provides entertainment such as magic or puppet show for younger children's entertainment.
His younger brother is the third member of the trio.
The primary basis for eligibility was later changed to age, making the tournament open only to wrestlers who are 25 years old or younger.
They clasp hands and run into the candy store together as they reminisce upon their younger years.
This appearance was deemed frightening for younger children, so later it was revamped to have his eyes look normal and to have a friendly personality.
If the younger sisters of teenage parents babysit the children, they have an increased risk of getting pregnant themselves.
Most of its programming is aimed at children and adolescents ages 816, while its weekday morning edutainment programs are targeted at younger children ages 28.
It became a greater problem for the government because the younger population was widely exposed to the obtrusive advertising of gambling houses.
The turn of events dramatized a changing of the guard in film criticism, as a younger generation of critics achieved clout and prominence.

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