Englisch » Portugiesisch

Übersetzungen für stay on im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I thought that as the pace was so slow he would be sure to stay on, but he went in a second.
Hints that the mission would leave if nothing could be achieved were placated with flattery and invitations to stay on.
Film actors need to learn to find and stay on their mark.
Eliciting information from such a person can be difficult since circumstantiality makes it hard for the individual to stay on topic.
About 50, however, chose to stay on at their work.
Stay on the southern bank and follow a circuitous route until a short, mildly exposed route drops to the river layer.
The bristles stay on the stalk after the seeds drop away.
The rider must attempt to stay on the bull for at least eight seconds, while only touching the bull with his riding hand.
Now, why don't you stay on the line.
After an eventful first night together, the girls invite the two boys to stay on with them in the old factory.

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