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Übersetzungen für stead im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

stead [sted] SUBST kein Pl

lugar m
in his/her stead
to stand sb in good stead (for sth)

Beispielsätze für stead

in his/her stead
to stand sb in good stead (for sth)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His linguistic skills stood him in good stead in his later historical investigations.
When the king left the city, an urban prefect presided over the city in his stead.
These early powers of attorney allowed an individual to name someone to act in their stead.
Stead's teams are recorded in several significant matches from 1724 to 1730.
The rhyme of swear for with wherefore and ecclesiastic with (in) stead of a stick are surprising, unnatural, and humorous.
A baillarge court was set up in its stead.
Stead's abundant energy and facile pen found scope in many other directions in journalism of an advanced humanitarian type.

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