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Übersetzungen für tighten im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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tighten [ˈtaɪten] VERB trans

1. tighten (make tight):

tighten bolt, screw
tighten rope
to tighten sth up
to tighten sth up

2. tighten restrictions:


Beispielsätze für tighten

to tighten sth up
to tighten one's belt übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The strings that are used tighten the sides are from a deer skin.
Simple and secure, it is a harsh knot that can be difficult or impossible to untie once tightened.
The cables were then to be tightened at each low tide, inching the wreck towards shore with each high tide.
Like other wire fences, keeping vinyl fencing tightened on a regular basis is key to safety and appearance.
It was easy to be generous and filial during the good times but when household budgets tighten, what is the cost of true filial piety?
Production was significantly faster, with the former four-day filming schedules now tightened to two or three days.
Strings can be tightened by a special machine, but often are tightened by hand, and then tied.
As muscle tension increases a number of problems occur: muscle fibers tighten, blood vessels become compressed, tissue metabolites are retained and local edema occurs.
The guitar has 24 frets and the strings are tightened through the body.
It supports economic integration and tightening the cooperation in areas of energetic security and military, but is skeptical about closer political integration.

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