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Übersetzungen für twelfth im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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twelfth [twelθ] ADJ

Siehe auch: eighth

I . eighth [eɪtθ] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It dates to the second quarter of the twelfth century.
Originally a defence tower, the present-day castle was build in different phases from the twelfth to the nineteenth century.
She took twelfth place with a total time of 2:03:26.35.
He also finished twelfth in the 1500 metres event and 15th in the 5000 metres competition.
It was likely founded in the tenth century, but the two major stages of construction date to the eleventh or twelfth and thirteenth century, respectively.
The school had eleven grades from 1922 until then, when the twelfth grade was added.
In ninth and tenth grades students take a year-long elective, while in eleventh and twelfth they choose two year-long electives.
Umpiring his twelfth grand in 2009 set a new record for the number of grand finals umpired.
It was the twelfth appearance of the event.
The guidelines of the program state that every student must have a laptop from fifth grade through graduation in twelfth grade.

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