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Übersetzungen für urge on im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The depiction is dramatic, as the howling fans urge on the two pugilists who fight until the last bell sounds.
And maybe a glass or two of wine to urge on the sun.
The clicking sound used by equestrians to urge on their horses is a lateral click, although it is not a speech sound in that context.
Cameramen miss next to nothing and directors and producers urge on their commentators.
The dreams urge on reality, and reality hastens on the dreams.
Weight-loss surgery not something to urge on an overweight teen just so that she can expand her potential dating options.
You will also urge on the men from the different places without delay to join the main body.
You're not exactly overwhelmed with urge on the way out, which is a good news/bad news story.

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