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Übersetzungen für wall im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

I . wall [wɔːl] SUBST

II . wall [wɔːl] VERB trans

wall chart SUBST

wall chart

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The group locates the rooftop exit, but a solid concrete wall blocks them from progressing.
This creates a wall that the other player then has to work around, although they may still slip past diagonally.
A brick wall around the outside of the inner bailey may have been built around this time to provide additional security.
A common example of a sample panel is a wall mock-up.
The risk of condensation can be reduced by avoiding cold bridges, using a vapour control layer to keep moisture out of the wall and by ventilating cold cavities.
Use elements of it, do a wall light and maybe a lovely floor lamp then pick more classic shapes in sofas.
With arterial thrombosis, blood vessel wall damage is required, as it initiates coagulation, but clotting in the veins mostly occurs without any such damage.
Subsequently, a second wall of tissue, the septum secundum, grows over the ostium secundum in the right atrium.
If you push on a wall very slowly, you can actually feel your push increasing.
This allows multiple electrical devices to be powered where only a single wall socket is available.

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