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Übersetzungen für DTP im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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DTP [ˌdi:ti:ˈpi:] SUBST

Siehe auch: desktop publishing

desktop publishing [ˈdesktɒp ˈpʌblɪʃɪŋ, Am -tɑ:p -] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Once considered a primary skill, increased accessibility to more user-friendly DTP software has made DTP a secondary skill to art direction, graphic design, multimedia development, marketing communications, and administrative careers.
Many word processing and DTP software products have built-in features to control line breaking rules in those languages.
New releases from the DTP camp kept the label on the radio and gained them more recognition than they ever had in their previous run.
Testing the concept of DTP at a small scale within a demonstration project, would not be effective, since almost no power would be yielded.
It was one of the first DTP applications supporting an own vector font format.
This vaccine is safer than the previously used DTP.
This article was geared toward web designers who wanted to know more about DTP and the printing process from commercial, technical, and design aspects.
The current version supports multi-page documents, and includes a capable integrated photo tool making it an option for any sort of DTP work.
He entered parliament again in 2007, technically running as an independent, but he was deputy chairman of the DTP.
The company's attempt to sell sophisticated technical publishing software to the home DTP market was a disaster.

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