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Übersetzungen für DTP im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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DTP [ˌdi:ti:ˈpi:] SUBST

DTP Abkürzung von desktop publishing

DTP nt <->

desk·top ˈpub·lish·ing SUBST, DTP SUBST no pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The closure resulted in the banning of 37 DTP members from politics for five years, including two members of parliament.
It is notable as the first affordable DTP program.
He entered parliament again in 2007, technically running as an independent, but he was deputy chairman of the DTP.
So for the 2007 general election the DTP fielded its candidates as independents.
It was one of the first DTP applications supporting an own vector font format.
Independents won 1,822,253 votes or 5.2% during the elections, resulting in a total of 27 seats, 23 of which went to the DTP.
This vaccine is safer than the previously used DTP.
There are several types of DTP vaccines.
Half the children in the world are immunized by vaccines made by the company, which is the world's biggest maker of measles and DTP vaccines.
This article was geared toward web designers who wanted to know more about DTP and the printing process from commercial, technical, and design aspects.

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