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Übersetzungen für bookstore im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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bookstore [ˈbʊkstɔ:ɐ, Am -stɔ:r] SUBST Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In some cases, the community became involved and prevented an independent bookstore from closing.
Throughout his life he worked in various establishments, including working as a salesman in a shoe store and in libraries and bookstores.
He wakes up the following morning in what turns out to be a bookstore in heaven.
Since that time, its sales and staff have grown despite the demise of many independent bookstores that previously operated as its most consistent customer base.
It is distributed throughout the whole country and can be find in bookstores, clothing stores, universities and cafes.
In the three weeks after the book appeared in bookstores, no reviewer called for its suppression or suggested that it should not have been published.
The inside of the building has been completely modernized and the lower floor is dedicated to the bookstore.
The pair sold the books on their own to independent bookstores, and eventually it went through four printings.
The facility was largely complete by 2011, with the bookstore, parking ramp and student housing portions in use by that time.
In the long history of the bookstore, the namesake partnership was a brief interlude of thirteen years.

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