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Übersetzungen für breakneck im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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breakneck [ˈbreɪknek] ADJ

Beispielsätze für breakneck

at breakneck speed

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Songs would be played at breakneck speeds, with screaming leads and vocals.
Awesome riffs played at breakneck speed, but just gnarly, groove-heavy riffs on their own.
The author's ambition is sustained by his invention: his work is distinguished by breakneck but brilliantly controlled plots, meticulous research, deft characterisation and a crisp, accessible prose style.
The film moves on at breakneck speed and by the time you take a breather it's intermission.
He is a chameleon who changes his voice at breakneck speed.
In its pioneer version, the horah was done at a whirling, breakneck pace.
This album incorporates more psychedelic elements alongside stretching, doomy movements and the jazz influences, while also incorporating breakneck grind riffs and grooves.
All this is carried out at breakneck farcical speed with much involvement from a gleefully shouting audience.
For revenge, she gives him a lift into town in her sports car, driving at breakneck speeds.
Breakneck guitar riffs do battle with sledgehammer drumming for most of the song's five minute and 50 seconds.

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