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Übersetzungen für breakneck im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈbreak·neck ADJ

Beispielsätze für breakneck

at breakneck speed

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Hazel's music was not particularly intricate musically, relying on a few chords, sheer energy (many songs being played at breakneck speed), and vocal intensity.
In its pioneer version, the horah was done at a whirling, breakneck pace.
Large portions of the book are entirely left out of this movie, which proceeds at breakneck pace.
Awesome riffs played at breakneck speed, but just gnarly, groove-heavy riffs on their own.
In its pioneer version, the hora was done at a whirling, breakneck pace.
The film moves on at breakneck speed and by the time you take a breather it's intermission.
He is a chameleon who changes his voice at breakneck speed.
The review called the title track a standout and noted its themes of decrying the ills of modern society as well as its breakneck speed.
He rushes out and drives at breakneck speed in thick fog to make up for lost time while again drinking.
Breakneck guitar riffs do battle with sledgehammer drumming for most of the song's five minute and 50 seconds.

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