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Übersetzungen für breakfast bar im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈbreak·fast bar SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The common room includes a student lounge, a kitchen, breakfast bar, stereo system and television, as well as multiple computer network banks to support the school's extensive notebook computer program.
Breakfast bar seating area, a radiator and side door to the rear garden.
He built his to serve as a breakfast bar/dining room table hybrid, but the design could easily be adapted to be a desk.
Smaller houses and condos may have a breakfast bar instead, often of a different height than the regular kitchen counter (either raised for stools or lowered for chairs).
A family room, a dining room and updated kitchen with a broad island/breakfast bar are also within the roughly 4,800-square-foot main house.
Nearly everyone else at the breakfast bar had only just got up: we had two hours of piste pummelling already behind us.
They might be equipped with luxury kitchens featuring stainless steel appliances, granite counter-tops, breakfast bar/island, and more.
I go to sit over by breakfast bar and avoid her gazes.
Amenities will include a common kitchen, breakfast bar, lounge area, rooftop terrace, and shared bathrooms.
The dining area is fairly small as it is a small breakfast bar with a few chairs, so not all students can eat together.

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