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Übersetzungen für brunch im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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brunch [brʌntʃ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the film's terms, which are distinctly limited, this will mean finding a more sedate hangout and learning to go there for brunch....
Baked beans freshly cooked from raw ingredients, much closer to their original unprocessed, unindustrialised form, are offered by a few upmarket brunch establishments.
The typical brunch can last a few hours and go late into the afternoon.
It consisted of brunch and an acoustic performance.
The format and setting remained consistent set over a breakfast/brunch table, but guest football journalists increased from two to three.
This includes seven periods of instruction, a lunch, and a brunch.
These food items are collectively known as dim sum, a varied range of small dishes which may constitute or replace breakfast, brunch or afternoon tea.
From 10.45 am to 10.55 am is the brunch interval.
The next day, the girls went to brunch and received an envelope containing the name of the girl to be eliminated.
The specialty in some restaurants during the week end is a codfish brunch.

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