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Übersetzungen für catchword im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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catchword [ˈkætʃˌwɜ:d, Am -ˌwɜ:rd] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Energy efficiency being the current automotive catchword, it is not surprising to find as well a direct-injection system and stop/start technology.
And the word green should be seen by the public eye and development partners' eye as the catchword from now on.
Formulas and catchwords are subordinate to this overmastering requirement.
We need actual leadership - not just a lengthy talk on it and "innovation" or "agility" catchwords being thrown around like confetti.
And yet this season, where restraint is the financial catchword of the moment, the classic?
Globalization has now become the catchword to encompass the rapid and often disquieting and disruptive social and economic change of the past 25 years.
All but the second, sixth, and seventh gatherings have the first word of the next gathering (a catchword) at the bottom of the final page.
It became a popular catchword and played a large role in theories of modern design.
This catchword had been widespread by media and fans till it became a nickname of the team.
Related words appear under their associated main catchwords.

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