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Übersetzungen für catch out im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the next few weeks, it will be used to catch out illegal dumpers.
They were happy to sit back and try to catch out the holders on the counter-attack or from a set-piece.
When drifting fish hits a pole, a fisherman feels this and pulls the catch out.
This reminds me of the map makers who occasionally insert an extra road on their maps to catch out plagiarists.
Gusts of wind can catch out drivers through a particular corner, but changes in wind direction can be just as troublesome.
Time will tell whether it could be used to catch out a cheating partner.
The newly installed equipment is officially known as a "heavy vehicle noise detection system" designed to catch out offending trucks.
Sharp ridges and expansion joints though do catch out the suspension which can't soak up jagged surfaces that easily.
The puddle of fluid gathering under the car can often catch out the inexperienced mechanic, who thinks it's come from the car itself.
His ability to catch out of the backfield is not the full extent of what he can do as a receiver, however.

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