Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für cherub im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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cherub <-s [or -im]> [ˈtʃerəb] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The font, which consists of a bowl carved with cherubs, dates from the 18th century and spent a century in a garden.
The cherub representing the winter received some damage during the carving of the deed animal, which was not repaired.
The dome was decorated with cherubs in high relief (removed in 1841), and supported on pendentives with elaborate plaster decoration.
The sixth plate has three more cherubs, carrying a chain, a crown, a jewel chest, and a bird.
Plans include repairing the crumbling, cracking terra cotta skin of the building and restoring its art elements of cherubs and guardian angels, shields and garlands.
Elaborate furniture appliques depicting flower swags and garlands, cherubs, and other motifs may be added.
The decoration of the cross-vaulted ceiling depicts four cherubim and four seraphim.
The wooden angels and cherub was heavy causing the carvings to fall.
The ship has also yielded 5 carvings of baroque style including two mermen, cherubim, and a classical style head carved on top of the rudder.
On either side figures of caryatids with plant motifs and cherubs.

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