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Übersetzungen für chessboard im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The rook's graph (the graph that represents all legal moves of the rook chess piece on a chessboard) is also sometimes called the lattice graph.
The puzzle requires the player to move a knight around a chessboard, touching each square once along the way.
Make that a chessboard king, the kind shaped like a pepper mill.
The chessboard and pieces are his intimate friends and have accompanied him for years.
The curved nature of the building's architecture lends it some distinction, as does the chessboard style juxtaposition of its light and dark facade features.
The game is played on a modified chessboard whereby even-numbered ranks are indented to the right -- resembling masonry brickwork.
They are useful for drawing chessboard floors which, in turn, serve for locating the base of objects on the scene.
On this chessboard, they must place four circular plates of color, as shown in the plan.
The roads arrange in a chessboard-like fashion and make orientation easy.
It is a gigantic, chessboard-like arrangement of one thousand by one thousand terraformed tiles, whereof each is one mile long and one mile wide.

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